Unpacking Approved BEAD Volume 2s: Wyoming


Michael Santorelli


August 9, 2024

NTIA recently approved Wyoming’s Initial Proposal Volume 2. The ACLP compared the final version with the draft submitted by Wyoming to NTIA last fall. A redlined comparison is available here. The following changes were evident:

Subgrantee Selection Process

Scoring – Fair Labor Practices

The state streamlined how it will allocate these points, adopting the now-familiar approach to awarding some points (up to 4) for past compliance and some points (up to 6) for plans for future compliance.

Scoring – Secondary Criteria

The state made several adjustments in these categories, including:

  • Removal of the Service in WY category, which would have awarded 4pts.
  • Increased the number of points for Unserved BSL from 6 to 9.
  • Increased the number of points for Local/Tribal Coordination from 3 to 4.

Low-Cost Option

The state made a variety of minor tweaks and clarifications to the option language, the most prominent of which was increasing the length of the option requirement from 8 years to 10.