Unpacking Approved BEAD Volume 2s: Vermont


Michael Santorelli


August 5, 2024

NTIA recently approved Vermont’s Initial Proposal Volume 2. The ACLP compared the final version with previous cured versions released by the state, the most recent of which was released in May. A redlined comparison is available here. The following changes were evident:

Subgrantee Selection Process

Scoring – Minimal BEAD Outlay

Over the course of curing, the state removed mention of awarding points based on the inclusion of resiliency and reliability of the proposed network. In the final V2, the state put forward a more straightforward approach to awarding points in this category – i.e., a sliding scale relative to the lowest proposed BEAD allocation for the project area.

Scoring – Affordability

Over the course of curing, the state developed a somewhat novel approach to awarding points in this category. It will award points based on the most affordable price for 1/1 Gbps service proposed for the PA, with 3pts available for every year that the applicant commits to that price (up to 10 years); 1pt will be deducted for every $10 over the FCC’s Urban Rate Survey for 1/1 Gbps in VT.

Scoring – Fair Labor Standards

Over the course of curing, the state adopted the now-common approach of splitting up points in this category for past compliance with relevant laws (10pts) and forward-looking plans/commitments to job quality and creation (1pt in each of 4 sub-categories).