Unpacking Approved BEAD Volume 2s: New Mexico


Michael Santorelli


August 7, 2024

NTIA recently approved New Mexico’s Initial Proposal Volume 2. The ACLP compared the final version with the pre-comment draft the state released last fall (it did not post the version it submitted to NTIA). A redlined comparison is available here. The following changes were evident:

Subgrantee Selection Process

Scoring – Minimal BEAD Outlay

The state adjusted how it will award points in this category. It will award up to 100pts based on the proposed grant amount vis-à-vis the benchmark price for the project area. Another 50pts will be available depending on the size of the match, with max points going to match of 75% or more.

Scoring – Affordability

The state clarified how it will determine the benchmark price for “affordable” broadband. Specifically, the reference price “will reflect the average price for [1/1 Gbps], based on a 75% to 25% weight, respectively, as determined by the data in the FCC’s 2024 Urban Rates Survey.” Applicants will receive 50pts for committing to honor the reference price. Up to an additional 50pts will be awarded based on how much lower the proposed cost of service is relative to the reference prices, with max pts going to proposals with prices that are at least 50% below the reference price.

Scoring – Fair Labor Standards

The state specified how it will award up to 50pts in this category: up to 30pts will be available for evidence of past compliance with relevant labor laws; the remaining 20pts will be awarded based on commitments to wage scales, workplace safety committees, etc.

Low-Cost Option

The state maintained its $50/month price-point and clarified that the low-cost option price will remain unchanged post-ACP.